Therapy and Treatment Methods

  • Psychological therapy methods vary to find the most appropriate technique to assist the patient to restore his life and mental health.
  • The therapist may need to use more than one method, way, or psychological school to get the perfect solution for each patient.
  • Psychological counselling relies on sessions where the therapist can listen, understand and interact with the patient on the one hand, and build a base of trust, confidence and satisfaction to modify behaviour, perception or emotions in the next steps on the other hand.
  • All of that is done within a framework of secrecy and respect for the privacy of patients according to the privilege of the profession, which is imposed by both: ethics and law.
  • During my counselling sessions, I use various techniques and paths, and some patients may need to combine more than one to achieve the best outcome.

Jacob Moreno founded a School that revolves around focusing on the person and his relations with those around him as well as dealing with those around him. 

Simply, dealing with him as a system within exciting systems that contain: family, work, friends and society. Any defect in any part of these, the system will affect the behaviour and interactions of the rest.

According to this school, therapy focuses on improving the individual’s skills in exploring his role in the system and improving his self-esteem. In addition to making his own decisions and develop his communication skills with others without the need for mediators.

Here’s where the patient is treated not only at the personal level, but also at the level of relationships, engagement and societal interactions.

The origin of this school of therapy goes back to Steve De Shazer and his wife Insoo Kim Berg in early 1980. It is considered one of the best and most modern methods of treatment that goes directly towards the ultimate goal that the patient seeks.

This method’s technique depends on a strategy to explore the solution for the patient away from the problem itself. This therapy method handles solutions that contribute to solving the patient’s problem, reducing its hardness, and adapting to its results.

It also focuses on the future rather than the past and introduces the patient to his abilities and resources instead of focusing on his weaknesses, losses and failures in life.

The American psychologist Ibraham Maslow is the first one who established the expression of “Positive Psychology”. It was developed by the well-known American psychologist Martin Seligman. 

This method focuses on the negatives and the root causes for the occurrence of stress and problems. 

Positive psychology works to boost strengths and maximize individual skills and build positive traits, which helps him stay powerful and successful.

The psychological counsellor relies on positive psychology exercises that expand the patient’s horizons and give him the ability to transfer his focus on developing the positive traits of character and strength points. 

And use it to activate the sense of happiness and satisfaction at all levels, be it health, relationships or work, instead of focusing on negative situations and mental illness.

The results and outcomes of this method usually create a positive and flexible personality that enjoys self-sufficiency and independence in acting with self-acceptance and reconciliation with the past.
